Gender Inclusive Cities Programme

The Gender Inclusive Cities Programme (GICP)  is funded by the UN Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence Against Women. This programme was implemented by four international project partners in cities across the globe:

  • International Centre and Network for Information on Crime in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Jagori in Delhi, India
  • Information Centre of the Independent Women’s Forum in Petrozavodsk, Russia
  • Red Mujer y Habitat de America Latina in Rosario, Argentina

The aim of the programme was to create cities that are inclusive and respect the right of all people, including women, to live, work and move around without fear or difficulty. Gender Inclusive Cities sought to identify the factors that cause and perpetuate inequalities and exclusion, as well as the policies and programme approaches that enhance women’s inclusion and “right to the city”. The first stage of this programme consisted of knowledge-generation using the methodological tools of mapping, research and review. Afterwards, WICI, in partnership with local governments and NGOs, used this knowledge to pilot interventions designed to reduce the public vulnerability and exclusion women and girls face. Pilot interventions looked at promoting women’s and girls’ access to and understanding of their rights.

Click here to read the GICP Delhi Research report

Click here to read the final report - Gender Inclusive Cities Programme

Click here to read the GICP Baseline Survey Findings from all four cities