Jagori in the news

Of safety and inclusivity

17-09-2013 | Suneeta Dhar | The Hindu

With the much rising consciousness of women safety, specially after the 16th December case, the recent gang rape case of Mumbai and torture and murder of a young dalit woman in Haryana, the viability of urban planning set-up has been in question in terms of women’s safety. The recent studies conducted with a women safety perspective brings out importance, of involvement of mixed neighborhoods in urban planning.

Well lit places ensures safety without fear of violence or assault

10-09-2013 | Kalpana Viswanath | The Times of India

City planning needs to focus on the usage of space and infrastructure at public spaces in order to make them safe for women. This would entail having streets that are well lit and well used, easily available and good public transport, and public spaces that promote usage in addition to a responsive police system and efficient service providers.

Change in patriarchal attitude can ensure women safety

10-09-2013 | Kalpana Vishwanath | The Independent

With the increased reporting, greater awareness and media focus on the issue of safety of women, it still questions whether anything has changed in past nine months. The issue of mindset and behaviour as perpetuating patriarchal stereotypes is also being discussed and has led to the recognition of the need for longer-term processes to change attitudes.

NGO survey data differ from official data on crime against women

09-09-2013 | Rukmini S | The Hindu

NCRB's "Crime in India" publication is the only official source that gives data about crimes in India.  According to this data, India had 24,923 rape cases in 2012, 45,351 cases of molestation and 9,173 cases of verbal harassment of women.  Surveys of Institute of Human Development and Jagori on Crime Against Women have brought out different and alarming figures.
