Safetipin app for safer Delhi launched

14-11-2013 | HTC | Hindustan Times

After the December 16 gang-rape incident in Delhi, the country had seen a spurt in women safety-related campaigns.


The Safetipin application, launched by actor and social activist Nandita Das at the British Council here on Wednesday, is a mobile app that aims at building safer cities through neighbourhood and community involvement. “We cannot expect change unless we are willing to be a part of it,” urged Das during the launch of the app.


The launch was held in partnership with the UK government’s department for international development, Jagori and Ford Foundation. The Hindustan Times has also joined hands with this unique initiative which is aimed at creating safer cities.


Founded by Ashish Basu and Kalpana Vishwanath, the Safetipin app crowd sources and maps information about specific localities. The map-based app allows users to conduct an on-the-spot assessment of their location and upload photos and rate an area in terms of lighting, security and transportation. The app took six months to be created.


The launch was followed by a panel discussion on technology and community involvement with AGK Menon (INTACH Delhi convener), Nandita Das, RS Pawar, chairman of NIIT, Rashmi Singh, director of the National Mission for Empowerment of Women, and musician Susmit Sen.