Rally to highlight gender issues in DU

12-02-2015 |  | Deccan Herald

I don't want my body to be a taboo which is talked about only after it is violated. This moment offers me the powerful feeling of liberation, strength and love and it is an offer I can’t refuse," says Ishani Banerjee, a 1st year student.


"I have realised that I am not the only one. It made us come together and rise for ourselves. We are one for all and all for one,” says Manaswani, another undergraduate.


On February 9, hundreds of representatives from Delhi University came together to raise their voice and concern over violence against women and other forms of gender oppression, followed by rally and flash mob at the university.


Kamala Bhasin, feminist activist, South Asia Coordinator, One Billion Rising Campaign,and Mahesh Bhagwat, IPS, Hyderabad, addressed the student representatives urging them to help create a just and egalitarian society through the message of love.


The students marched from Miranda House to three different centres in the North Campus.


There were many events like music, dance and slogans performed by children, which was followed by performances by college students.


Speaking on the occasion Kamla Bhasin said, “Only five per cent men are rapists, but the most depressing is the fact that the rest 95 per cent good people keep quiet and never do anything to change the situation.”


She also added that “it is high time we stop raising rapists in our families by not ignoring unacceptable behaviour of the boys from young age.”


Speaking about the patriarchal society and the rigid mindsets with respect to women, she said “men were not born violent, patriarchy made them so. Rape is seen as a tool or a weapon to subjugate women.”


Supporting the campaign Mahesh Bhagwat emphasised the need for synergy between all stakeholders, like NGOs and Police, working towards the same goal to make the society safe and secure for everyone, especially women and girls.


He also said that there was a crying need in our society to inculcate gender sensitivity when bringing up boys.


One Billion Rising, the largest global action to end violence against women has entered its third year with One Billion Rising: Revolution, a new escalation that calls for a radical shift to end the global epidemic of abuse that women face worldwide. Billions of people are rising everywhere to take a public stand against violence.