The Hindu

NGO surveys test official data on crime against women

09-09-2013 | Rukmini S | The Hindu

That official data underestimate the rates of crime against women is something almost everyone agrees on. But for the first time, two surveys on crime in the Capital offer an opportunity to compare police station data with the experience of women.

Of safety and inclusivity

17-09-2013 | Suneeta Dhar | The Hindu

With the much rising consciousness of women safety, specially after the 16th December case, the recent gang rape case of Mumbai and torture and murder of a young dalit woman in Haryana, the viability of urban planning set-up has been in question in terms of women’s safety. The recent studies conducted with a women safety perspective brings out importance, of involvement of mixed neighborhoods in urban planning.

Work with dignity for domestic workers

13-07-2013 | Harsh Mander | The Hindu

The dependence of urban middle-class households on domestic workers has grown.Their work of sweeping, cleaning and cooking entails numerous health hazards, compounded by poor and irregular food and little rest and recreation. Aged domestic help are routinely turned away to fend for themselves, with no question of any pension.

Space matters: Curbed public spaces for protest and demonstrations

29-10-2013 | Ashwin Varghese | The Hindu

Though India being the world's largest democracy, people having freedom to protest at public spaces has been curbed by local governance. With the growing population and the change in lifestyles, the dependence of a citizen on public space has also undergone a transformation, and this transformation has been adversely affected by many new innovations like the mall.

Are city spaces safer for women?

08-12-2013 | Special Correspondent | The Hindu

While designing cities, it is essential to ensure that the design affords women better access on roads.This was one of the points raised at a workshop on women’s safety on streets and public transport organised jointly by Institute of Transportation and Development Policy and The Prajnya Trust in Chennai.

Focus on violence against women

10-12-2013 | Special Correspondent | The Hindu

The feminisation of poverty is an undeniable fact for India's women are facing multiple forms of violence through family members and the State. It is not only a women's issue, but a responsibility that must be acknowledged by all stakeholders.

Bengal rape case: Pranab Mukherjee assures probe to victim’s family

08-01-2014 | Aarti Dhar | The Hindu

Assuring the victim's family in a Madhyamgram gang rape case, President Pranab Mukherjee said that accountability would be fixed for the heinous crime in West Bengal’s North Parganas district and the events that followed.

Many women have no say in marriage

19-03-2014 | Rukmini S | The Hindu

The latest India Human Development Survey (IHDS), conducted by the National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) revealed some interesting statistics on woman's autonomy in gender and religion, economic, development and social spheres of life.

