Women's rights groups stage protest against R.K. Pachauri

12-02-2016 | Indo Asian News Service | Business Standard

Women's rights groups protested on Friday in front of the TERI office here, condemning R.K. Pachauri's "promotion" as the executive vice chairman of the organisation.


Pachauri, who has been accused of sexually harassing a 29-year-old female colleague in 2015, is the first in The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) to hold the newly created position of vice chairman.


Members of the All India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA), Jagori, Saheli Women's Resource Centre, All India Progressive Women's Association (AIPWA) and Nirantar Resource Centre participated in the demonstration in front of the TERI office.


TERI's governing council is holding a meeting here on Friday amid protests by alumni of TERI university and ex-employees of the organisation against Pachauri's appointment as vice chairman.